We innovated the worlds first and number one rated Inner Silk Underscarf. Our Inner Silk Underscarf protects your hair from damaging, strengthens and smoothens your hair.

The design of our Inner Silk Underscarf has cotton on the outside to prevent your Hijab from slipping and silk inside to protect your hair from damaging. We use 100% cruelty free, vegan friendly, plant based silk which is known to be incredible for your hair.

The silk material provides comfort for your hair. Not to mention, the silk is so gentle to your scalp which will prevent scalp irritation, frizz, hair breakage and hair loss. Lets not forget, the silk inside will protect your hairline and keep it from receding. The best part is, the longer you wear the Inner Silk Underscarf,  the healthier your hair will become.

Check out the benefits of wearing our products:

  • Prevents Hair Damage & Scalp Irritation
  • Promotes Strong & Healthy Hair
  • Smoothens & Shines Hair
  • Prevents A Receding Hairline
  • Prevents Scalp Zits
  • Retains your hair’s natural oils keeping it from going into your hijab/underscarf
  • The longer it is worn the healthier your hair will be
  • Outer cotton to prevent hijab from slipping
  • 100% cruelty free vegan friendly plant based silk
  • Dermatologist Approved

Washing Instructions: Wash with your regular load using our Laundry Bags.

Designed and Handmade by: @zainah.mb

Select Color

Black, Cloudy, White, Mauve, Khaki Brown

1608 reviews for Inner Silk Underscarf

  1. Liane (verified owner)

    It’s feels like really good quality, and I like the white colour. However, it’s pretty big and you have to secure it with a needle or something, or resew it to make it fit onto your head. But I think that is good, because it would be worse if it was too small, because then you can’t make it bigger.

    The material feels soft and I have started to use it as a sleeping bonnet instead, and it’s perfect.

    The other one, The ninja scarf is better to wear during the day and if you want to be more active, because it doesn’t slide and it’s not too big.

  2. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I bought some for my daughter and myself. My daughter loves it but for myself it’s a bit bulky.

  3. Anonymous (verified owner)

    A little slippery

  4. Melissa (verified owner)


  5. Marilyn (verified owner)

    tremendously good results within a few weeks I noticed my hairs on my hairline have grown back.

  6. Anonymous (verified owner)

    beautiful hair after wearing many hours 👏🏾

  7. Wardah Sa’adah (verified owner)

    alhamdollah for this idea sister keep up the beautiful work you do 😍

  8. Ahman (verified owner)

    It makes my hair feel much healthier and shinier than the cotton underpass did. However, the cap falls loose around my hairline which is annoying because it falls back and shows my hair. But the silk lining is very much worth it.

  9. Safaa Imen (verified owner)

    I ask Allah everyday to grant you success and the shifa. I love the products. You did an amazing job. Just one thing I want to point out, it would be nice if the silk lining was closer to the forehead. Just that I don’t like folding the material upward it doesn’t suite my head shape so I leave it down. I have a very square shaped head so it doesn’t suite me to fold it.

  10. Rafiqa Mumtaz (verified owner)

    I love it very much! I bought from two different brands to compare them both this one was less expensive and feels very comfortable, the other I bought from haute hijab caused me a bad headache and it’s very pricey.

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Inner Silk Underscarf

Original price was: $30.Current price is: $25.